Saturday, May 30, 2009

New, Used Car. Brad's All Day Fri Project

Long story short. We needed to trade in our VW Passat. We now will be driving the Isuzu Ascender which is a 2006 with only 17000 Miles (the VW had 113000), almost new condition , and has a third row of seats for up to 7 passengers. Enjoy the pics, the camera battery died so I didn't get any shots from behind or the interior, I may take some and post them some other time.
P.S We got to the dealership at 6:30 p.m...... We left at 11:00 p.m..... they closed at 10:00 p.m.


Monica McCoy said...

B-Doub... This is too Sa-WEEEEEEET!

Monica McCoy said...

Nice wheels. I like.

Unknown said...

is that hoopty in the background!?

Monica McCoy said...

So neat for you guys! Real sporty!

Monica McCoy said...

Oh! How fun. We're so proud of you two. Keep doing what you do!

Monica McCoy said...

You never stop impressing do you? Good work guys, we're really happy for you!

Monica McCoy said...

You're the best. Stay cool, have a good summer, never change! Have fun in the sun, get L@*D in the shade! BFF! Awesome! Rock Star.

Celeste said...

I'm digging it! Glad we'll be there soon to take it for a ride!