Wish we had more time together but we're grateful he has work. This time last year was a very different story. Below is a picture taken after the WagCo Christmas Party. Aaron & Carrie treated us all to a night at Tuscany. It was nice to have a night on the town and the vanilla bean creme brulee was delish!

Sorry for the lack of posting life like always is crazy. I've been working full time at a drug screening company since September. I basically shuffle papers and do data entry. It's not the MOST exciting job in the world but it's literally two doors down from where we're currently living. I love coming home for lunch and saving tons on gas.
In the Fall when Brad was in town we spent weekends at the U of U games. I'm slowly learning to enjoy sports. A month or so ago I found myself watching Sports Beat by myself after a Jazz game... What the?!

In an effort to fill the time this summer when I was searching for a job I started working out with a bunch of people in our neighborhood. A couple in my ward created a Crossfit gym in their garage with some help from other crossfit junkies :) They don't charge a thing just have a donation jar. I've been going since July and love it! I'm still not up to the recommended weight on some of the lifts but I'm defiantely getting stronger. Above is a picture from the 5K some crossfitters ran on Thanksgiving morning. Corrine (far right) had signed up and convinced the rest of us to run with her. It was super cold but I'm SO glad we did it. The race was alot easier than I anticipated and there's been talk of training for a 10 K. I'm still working on the motivation to get up and run by myself but you'll definately see a post if that dream ever comes to fruition :)
Anywhoo I figured you'd all like to know we're alive and well. We're gearing up for Christmas and a week in Spokane starting Christmas night. We're both pretty darned excited. Happy Holidays to You!